Ruth Montes

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New Table for two. Inglés para cocina y restauración 2.a edición

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Libro New Table for two. Inglés para cocina y restauración 2.a edición

New Table for Two is a new method specifically tailored to the needs of students of the following Ciclos Formativos de grado medio y grado superior de la familia profesional de Hostelería y Turismo: • Grado medio: — Cocina y Gastronomía. — Servicios en Restauración. • Grado superior: — Dirección de Cocina. — Dirección de Servicios de Restauración. This course provides students with basic and necessary English to enable them to develop in today’s professional world of Cooking and Restaurant Services. The content of the textbook follows the academic syllabus of these studies and adapts to the self-reflexive demand of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In New Table for Two –a revised, improved and updated version of the previous edition– students can practice both the receptive and productive skills of the foreign language: listening, reading, writing and speaking, through up-to-date readings and motivating meaningful activities. Grammar and Vocabulary exercises are all included in the student’s book so that students can use it as a workbook too. Apart from individual and group class work, students will also be required to work in teams searching for extra information in order to expand their knowledge (projects, helpful websites, etc.). Special emphasis is placed on developing oral skills, as communication will be crucial in the professional development of our students. Key features include: • Varied topics related to Cooking and Restaurant Services. • Extensive specific vocabulary activities. • Grammar coverage and review charts. • Relevant listening materials. • Communicative speaking activities. • Interesting reading texts from different sources. • Varied useful writing practice. • Self-assessment section in every unit. • Warm-up and Just for fun sections. The teacher’s book is a helpful and flexible guide for teachers which includes teaching notes, suggestions for class work and solutions to the exercises as well as unit, term and end-of-year tests for two different levels of difficulty. All the listening files of the student’s book are available at

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Número de páginas 219


  • MarÍa De Los Milagros Esteban GarcÍa
  • Pilar Rodriguez Arancon


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