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Las gemelas de Auschwitz / The Twins of Auschwitz. The inspiring true story of a young girl surviving Mengele’s hell

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Libro Las gemelas de Auschwitz / The Twins of Auschwitz. The inspiring true story of a young girl surviving Mengele’s hell

La historia real de dos niñas frente al Ángel de la Muerte Eva Mozes Kor tenía sólo diez años cuando llegó a Auschwitz . Sus padres y dos hermanas mayores fueron llevados a las cámaras de gas, pero ella y su gemela Miriam fueron puestas al cuidado del hombre conocido como el Ángel de la Muerte , el sanguinario doctor Josef Mengele , quien realizaba crueles experimentos sobre todos los gemelos que encontraba, en su delirante afán por entender la genética y mantener pura a la raza aria . En estas páginas, Kor relata cómo luchó a diario por su supervivencia y la de su hermana en condiciones infrahumanas frente a una maldad difícil de comprender. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The spared their lives because they were twins. In the summer of 1944, Eva Mozes Kor and her family arrived at Auschwitz. Within thirty minutes, they were separated. Her parents and two older sisters were taken to the gas chambers, while Eva and her twin, Miriam, were herded into the care of the man who became known as the Angel of Death: Dr. Josef Mengele. They were 10 years old. While twins at Auschwitz were granted the 'privileges' of keeping their own clothes and hair, they were also subjected to Mengele's sadistic medical experiments. They were forced to fight daily for their own survival and many died as a result of the experiments, or from the disease and hunger rife in the concentration camp. In a narrative told simply, with emotion and astonishing restraint, The Twins of Auschwitz shares the inspirational story of a child's endurance and survival in the face of truly extraordinary evil. Also included is an epilogue on Eva's incredible recovery and her remarkable decision to publicly forgive the s. Through her museum and her lectures, she dedicated her life to giving testimony on the Holocaust, providing a message of hope for people who have suffered, and worked toward goals of forgiveness, peace, and the elimination of hatred and prejudice in the world.

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  • Eva Mozes Kor


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