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El proyecto arquitectónico

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Libro El proyecto arquitectónico

El proposito central del trabajo es fundamentar la teoria y tecnica de la accion proyectual y su ensenanza, particularmente en las etapas iniciales de la carrera. Por ello, un primer objetivo de las tareas desarrolladas fue indagar sobre la experiencia en el taller de arquitectura, observando a sus actores, registrando actitudes, examinando y evaluando las multiples actuaciones que se desarrollan en este espacio de aprendizaje y un segundo objetivo fue aportar y sugerir posibles superaciones a las condiciones percibidas. El trabajo, por su naturaleza, no puede sustraerse de fijar una postura frente a la ensenanza del proyecto y tampoco puede ocultar su trasfondo polemico, ya que se ha considerado que opiniones y tendencias sobre la arquitectura y su aprendizaje forman parte ineludible de esta indagacion. Para afrontar la teoria y practica de la ensenanza de la arquitectura fue necesario abordar la nocion de proyecto como concepto esencial, imprescindible y las definiciones de estrategias y tacticas como instrumentos ineludibles de la dinamica proyectual. De este modo, el trabajo trasciende el campo operativo o pedagogico para instalarse como una posicion sobre la arquitectura como disciplina. [Description in English] The architectonic project Teaching and practice of project strategies The central aim of this work is to back up the theory and technique of project action and the way it is taught, particularly in the early stages of degree courses. This is why the first objective was to explore the experience of the architecture workshop, by observing the actors involved, recording their attitudes, and examining and evaluating the various activities that take place within this space of learning, and a second objective was to suggest possible improvements to the conditions witnessed.The work, due to its very nature, cannot help but take a stance on the teaching of the architectural project, nor can it conceal its controversial undertones, since opinions and trends in architecture make up an inevitable part of this analysis. To approach the theory and practice of architecture teaching, it was necessary to deal with the notion of the project as an essential, indispensable concept, and the definitions of strategies and tactics as inescapable instruments of the project dynamic. Thus the work transcends the operative and pedagogical field to take up a position on architecture as a discipline. Fernando Natalio Boix graduated as an architect from the National University of the Littoral (UNL) in 1966 and as a university professor in Visual Arts from the School of Educational Research and Development of the Inter-American Open University (UAI) in 2004. Adriana Monica Montelpare is an architect who graduated from the National University of Rosario's School of Architecture, Planning and Design in 1981.

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Número de páginas 172


  • Fernando Boix
  • Adriana Montelpare


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