Ruth Montes

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Colección de Hábitos. Cómo Escribir 3000 Palabras y Evitar el Bloqueo de Escritor

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Libro Colección de Hábitos. Cómo Escribir 3000 Palabras y Evitar el Bloqueo de Escritor

If you've always been attracted to the words, you have a vivid imagination and skill you possess to put your mental images into words, you probably want, or tried to get to write, one or more times in your life. Every day we see fresh out books put on the shelves or e-books available online, and we have to consider what is required to return to our path to the letters in a medium that can transport us to the greatness as authors. Effective, past and present writers, who have left a deep mark and literary inspiration in the world, have a mindset that differs from others around them. As anyone who is full of a creative spirit, his mental processes may seem a bit dull, but to accept this fact and willingness to publicly embrace his own psychology is what has led them to where they are now. So, do you think as an individual who has the potential to be a renowned writer, one that will leave a permanent mark on the hearts and minds of those entering your written word? In this book we will review the way in which great writers think and the way we process and respond to their own thoughts, and show the parallels between these characteristics and the brilliant work they produce. Read on to find out where you are psychologically and how your psychological position can grow to the successful consistency seeks a writer.

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Número de páginas 136


  • The Blokehead


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