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Al Encuentro de Mansfield

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Libro Al Encuentro de Mansfield

"Sixteen-year-old Finley Price knows how to do two things really well: direct and go unnoticed. The only person who seems to realize that she exists is Oliver Bertram, the son of her parents' best friends. If only she could believe she was as good as he says. If she were, she could study at the prestigious Mansfield Theater. Their friendship changes when new neighbors move in across the street. Emma and Harlan Crawford are two young stars that immediately notice Oliver and his sister Juliette. As Oliver and Emma get closer, Harlan drops Juliette and becomes interested in Finley. He thinks it would be a fun game, but the more he gets to know her, the more he realizes he is falling in love with her. Finley will have to overcome her fears if she doesn't want to lose Oliver forever. She'll have to step into the spotlight."

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Número de páginas 336


  • Kate Watson


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