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¡Todos a bordo! Cómo funcionan los trenes (All Aboard! How Trains Work) 6-Pack

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Libro ¡Todos a bordo! Cómo funcionan los trenes (All Aboard! How Trains Work) 6-Pack

Climb aboard for a journey into the world of trains! In this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers learn about the history of trains, the different uses for them, and the different types and parts including freight cars, box cars, passenger cars, and the caboose. With detailed photos, informative text, and intriguing facts, this book will have readers delighted from cover to cover! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

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Número de páginas 28



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¡Todos a bordo! Cómo funcionan los trenes (All Aboard! How Trains Work)

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