Ruth Montes

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Secretos en la Nieve

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Libro Secretos en la Nieve

Secretos en la nieve es una asombrosa historia ambientada en Butan, llena de exotismo y aventura, un canto a la naturaleza y a las montañas mas altas de nuestro planeta azul. Snowbound Secrets is a wonderful tale set in the country of Bhutan, full of mystery and adventure; it is a hymn to nature and the highest mountains of our blue planet. Lexile Level: 870L

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Número de páginas 36



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88 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Un mensaje para Luna (Moon's Messenger)

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Libro Sonríe y ¡muérete chillando!

It's a whole new ride from master of fright and bestselling author R.L. Stine--with a story so fiendish that it can't be contained in just one book! A picture is worth a thousand screams-if it's taken with an evil camera that has a nasty vision of the future. Julie's future doesn't look pretty. And neither does anyone else's after they're caught in her lens! Things start looking up when Julie gets to HorrorLand. That is, until she starts falling down...into the Tunnel of Screams. Una foto puede resultar aterradora si se toma con una cámara malvada que muestra una visión funesta del futuro....

Adónde Puedo Ir?

Libro Adónde Puedo Ir?

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Libro Only You

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