Ruth Montes

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El Poder del Discurso Materno

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Libro El Poder del Discurso Materno

Each human biography is a universe unto itself. Laura Gutman talks about each one of us, about our childhood, and especially about everything that we do not remember about her, but that pulls the strings of our entire life. This is a book to understand ourselves more; a revealing approach to our emotional reality. Our childhood memories were organized based on the words spoken by our mother and our loyalty to her. This research offers possible ways to reduce the distance between the mother's speech and the reality of what happened to us. The power of maternal discourse marks a definitive before and after in studies on bonding interactions in the first stage of life. To achieve something as ambitious and private as approaching our childhood reality without any kind of interpretation, it is essential to define the distance between what our mother told us and what we subjectively experience. For example, mom - and everyone around her - thought that we needed limits. But it turns out that, in truth, we needed an enormous amount of love, presence, emotional fusion, shelter and tenderness from her part. And we needed it like the air we breathe. However, it is so rare to find such a scene in our society that we have come to assume that this flow of affection is not important. This is the true distance between maternal speech and reality.

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  • Laura Gutman


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