Ruth Montes

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Un día de trabajo: Médico de emergencias

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Libro Un día de trabajo: Médico de emergencias

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Discover what it takes to be an Emergency Room doctor in this enlightening, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Readers learn about the hard work and dedication it takes to have a career as an ER doctor and what a typical day is like in the emergency room. From medical school to residency, medical symptoms to diagnosis, children will learn all about the steps it takes to get involved in this profession. This engaging title features vivid photos, helpful charts and diagrams, informational text, a glossary of terms, and an interview with a real life ER doctor to delight, inform, and encourage children from beginning to end.

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Subtitulo : Read Along or Enhanced eBook



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Guía De

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Raíces rojas

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