Ruth Montes

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Revolución Industrial (Industrial Revolution)

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Libro Revolución Industrial (Industrial Revolution)

Give students insight into the Industrial Revolution, how it influenced innovation and employment in the United States, and how it changed the lives of Americans at the beginning of the 20th century. With this nonfiction Spanish-translated book, readers will learn about assembly lines, patents, labor unions, child labor laws, labor unions, muckrakers, and immigrant and slave labor. Colorful images, supporting text, a glossary, and other features keep students engaged and help them better understand the content.

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Número de páginas 32



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Otros libros de Debra J. Housel

Reptiles y anfibios reptantes

Libro Reptiles y anfibios reptantes

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Take a journey into the wild world of reptiles and amphibians! Readers will learn about crocodiles, lizards, snakes, tortoises, and salamanders. Featuring a glossary, index, colorful images and charts, intriguing facts, and clear, informative text, readers will be sure to be enthralled as they move through this engaging, Spanish-translated book.

La naturaleza de la materia (The Nature of Matter)

Libro La naturaleza de la materia (The Nature of Matter)

What is matter? Anything that takes up space is matter. Matter can be a water, liquid, or gas. These are the states of matter. Learn about matter with this Spanish science reader that features easy-to-read text. Nonfiction text features include a glossary, index, and detailed images to facilitate close reading and help students connect back to the text. Aligned to state and national standards, the book also includes a fun and engaging science experiment to develop critical thinking and help students practice what they have learned.

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La compra de Luisiana (The Louisiana Purchase)

Libro La compra de Luisiana (The Louisiana Purchase)

When the Louisiana Territory was added to the United States in 1803, it about doubled the size of the young nation. It took years to clarify its boundaries and explore every square mile. How this momentous purchase came to be and its implications on the future of the United States are explained in detail in this book. Uncomplicated maps and simple language help developing readers and those in need of review to understand the many changes in this land that started with its purchase in 1803.

Nuevo Proyecto Planeta amigo, conocimiento del medio, 5 Educación Primaria, 3 ciclo (Madrid)

Libro Nuevo Proyecto Planeta amigo, conocimiento del medio, 5 Educación Primaria, 3 ciclo (Madrid)

El Conocimiento del Medio nos ayuda a convertir nuestro mundo en un PLANETA AMIGO. Nos permite conocer la naturaleza, valorar nuestro entorno y desarrollar actitudes de respeto hacia otras culturas y otros pueblos. Con el Conocimiento del Medio podemos descubrir cómo somo, compartir con los demás nuestros conocimientos y construir entre todos un PLANETA AMIGo, en el que convivamos en un mismo entorno personas con diferentes formas de pensar.

Cometas y meteoros: Atravesando el espacio

Libro Cometas y meteoros: Atravesando el espacio

What has a head, two tails, and shoots across the sky? A comet. Coming from the far edges of the solar system, most comets travel around the Sun, while meteors appear as flashing streaks of light in the night sky. Explore these amazing celestial wonders as they zip through space! This book looks at the difference between comets and meteors and their effects on Earth. The physical characteristics of each are identified in detail. This book won’t come crashing down! It’s filled with fun facts that give additional information on this exciting science topic. This book allows students to use...

El descubrimiento de América

Libro El descubrimiento de América

El viaje de Colón es en realidad la gran aventura de un marino. Un hombre que pidió ayuda a unos reyes muy ricos para adentrarse en un inmenso y desconocido océano lleno de peligros y tempestades en busca de las Indias, pero que terminó llegando a una preciosa tierra hasta entonces desconocida para los europeos a la que llamamos América. De esta forma, su viaje se convierte en una verdadera aventura de marinos. Una verdadera historia de héroes que luchan contra los elementos para realizar una hazaña escrita con letras de oro en los libros de historia de la humanidad.

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