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Reina Roja / Red Queen

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Libro Reina Roja / Red Queen

No has conocido a nadie como ella... Vuelve el autor español de thriller más leído en todo el mundo. Antonia Scott es especial. Muy especial. No es policía ni criminalista. Nunca ha empuñado un arma ni llevado una placa, y, sin embargo, ha resuelto decenas de crímenes. Pero hace un tiempo que Antonia no sale de su ático de Lavapiés. Las cosas que ha perdido le importan mucho más que las que esperan ahí fuera. Tampoco recibe visitas. Por eso no le gusta nada, nada, cuando escucha unos pasos desconocidos subiendo las escaleras hasta el último piso. Sea quien sea, Antonia está segura de que viene a buscarla. Y eso le gusta aún menos. NO HAS LEÍDO NUNCA UN THRILLER COMO ESTE ENGLISH DESCRIPTION You've never met anyone like her ... the best-selling Spanish thriller author is back! Antonia Scott is special. Very special. She is not a policewoman or a lawyer. She has never wielded a weapon or carried a badge, and yet, she has solved dozens of crimes. But it's been awhile since Antonia left her attic in Lavapiés. The things she has lost are much more important to her than the things awaiting her outside. She also doesn't receive visitors. That's why she really, really doesn't like it when she hears unknown footsteps coming up the stairs. Whoever it is, Antonia is sure that they are coming to look for her. And she likes that even less. You've never read a thriller like this one!

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Número de páginas 568



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Benito Pérez Galdós was a Spanish realist novelist. He was the leading literary figure in 19th-century Spain, and some scholars consider him second only to Miguel de Cervantes in stature as a Spanish novelist.

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