Ruth Montes

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Qué dulce: Dentro de una panadería (Sweet: Inside a Bakery) (Spanish Version)

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Libro Qué dulce: Dentro de una panadería (Sweet: Inside a Bakery) (Spanish Version)

Learn the secrets to artful cupcakes, oven-fresh bread, and other delicious baked goods in this delightful nonfiction title. Readers will learn how mathematics helps bakers measure their ingredients to make tasteful treats. Featuring vibrant images and charts, informative text, and fun, intriguing facts, this Spanish-translated nonfiction book will leave children fascinated by all the details that go into baking their favorite treats--like doughnuts and cookies!

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Número de páginas 32



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Otros libros de Lisa Greathouse

Hora de recreo (Recess Time)

Libro Hora de recreo (Recess Time)

Make patterns fun at recess time! This exciting title has been translated into Spanish and helps young readers recognize repeating patterns all around through helpful charts and familiar images of recess time. Children will better understand early STEM themes through the help of simple, applicable examples of patterns. This title will engage young readers with games and featured "You Try It!" problems!

¡Sin resolver! Lugares misteriosos

Libro ¡Sin resolver! Lugares misteriosos

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: From Stonehenge to the Bermuda Triangle, there are many places on Earth that remain a mystery to scientists! Readers will discover these curious places--and more!--as they move through this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. This mysterious book features detailed images, informational text, and stimulating facts and theories in conjunction with upper-level features, such as chapter format, a glossary of terms, and an index.

La búsqueda de la velocidad: Los vehículos (The Quest for Speed: Vehicles) (Spanish Version)

Libro La búsqueda de la velocidad: Los vehículos (The Quest for Speed: Vehicles) (Spanish Version)

The need for speed is the motivating factor in this engaging, Spanish book. Readers learn the history of travel from the very slow to the supersonic and beyond, including everything in between. They learn and discover the factors that influence motion for all types of vehicles: land, air, and water alike. They also learn different ways to measure speed and read about energy uses for different vehicles. With greater speed comes greater risk. Readers learn how engineers are always seeking new and better ways to keep people safe as they travel faster and go farther.

¡Sin resolver! Lugares misteriosos (Unsolved! Mysterious Places)

Libro ¡Sin resolver! Lugares misteriosos (Unsolved! Mysterious Places)

From Stonehenge to the Bermuda Triangle, there are many places on Earth that remain a mystery to scientists! Readers will discover these curious places--and more!--as they move through this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. This mysterious book features detailed images, informational text, and stimulating facts and theories in conjunction with upper-level features, such as chapter format, a glossary of terms, and an index.

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León Lasa (1961) es licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Sevilla y master en Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Comercial de Deusto. Desempeña su trabajo como letrado del Gabinete Jurídico de la Junta de Andalucía. Apasionado del deporte, de los viajes y de la literatura ha recorrido desde muy joven las geografías americanas y europeas. Es autor del libro Por el Oeste de Irlanda (Almuzara, 2006), su segundo libro, dedicado a una isla que siempre le cautivó por su belleza. Este Al sur del Sur es realmente su primer libro, escrito en 2003. Colaborador habitual de diversas...

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Gramática para estudiantes

Libro Gramática para estudiantes

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