Ruth Montes

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Ofelia, Crea: Volume 3

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Libro Ofelia, Crea: Volume 3

La tercera protagonista de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes es Ofelia, de 11 años y cursa sexto grado. Tiene el cabello ondulado color marrón, ojos azules, una amplia sonrisa y es alta. Ha tenido con reto con su valor: piensa que no tiene talento para nada, y siempre está intentando cosas nuevas, tratando de encontrar su talento. Le gustan los retos y no le tiene miedo a intentar cosas nuevas, pero es inconstante en lo que hace porque no cree en sus posibilidades y se molesta por todo. Su miedo más grande es no encontrar su talento, pero no se cansará de seguir intentando todo lo que se presente hasta encontrar su talento. ----- The third main character in the BraveYoung Girls Series is Ofelia, 11 years old and in sixth grade. She has wavy brown hair, blue eyes, a wide smile, and is tall. She doesn't believe she has value: she thinks she has no talent at all, and she is always trying new things in order to find her talent. She likes challenges and is not afraid to try new things, but she is fickle in what she does because she doesn't believe in her possibilities and she gets annoyed by everything. Her biggest fear is not finding her talent, but she won't get tired of trying everything she comes up with until she discovers it.

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Número de páginas 64


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