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No Muchos Padres

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Libro No Muchos Padres

After many years of experience with churches, I observed that the maturing of the churches in general was being thwarted by the lack of genuine apostolic and five fold ministry. The book was written to illustrate the need for genuine fatherly leadership from the heart of maturity. Most books about apostolic leadership, although good and helpful, were more or less written from the point of view of application and performance of ministry rather than from the aspect of heart. Key editorial points are: Why we need leaders to be fathers. Why fathers should be honored and the results in the church when they are not. Why true blessing depends on fathers. The marks of a true apostle and how to recognize them The need for a team spirit. Passing the baton to future leaders. This book will throw great light on the understanding of those who want to see true oversight work in churches and the blessing it will bring to all concerned.

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Número de páginas 198


  • Pete Beck, Jr.
  • James P. Beck
  • Neil Silverberg


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