Ruth Montes

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Camino Al Español

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Libro Camino Al Español

This intensive course is expressly designed to lead the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish. The course gives balanced attention to the four key language skills: the development of listening comprehension and speaking skills is supported by quality audio materials recorded by native speakers, while answer keys support written work and grammar-acquisition exercises, and facilitate independent study. Authentic written materials develop important receptive skills and encourage the transition to independent reading. - Based on a style of Spanish easily understood by most speakers, thoughtful explanations make clear the main differences between peninsular and Latin American forms and usage - Features an abundance of pair and group work activities ideal for classroom use - Authentic materials and website references foster cultural awareness - Clear, attractive layout with lively illustrations to reinforce learning - Extensive reference features including a grammar guide, verb tables and vocabulary lists - Teachers' guidelines promote practical application in the classroom

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 443


  • Consuelo De Andrés Martínez
  • Eugenia Ariza Bruce
  • Anthony Trippett


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Classic poems for young people is a careful selection of the most representative and wonderful compositions that have been recited among lovers. In this book are the verses that have moved generations. Its purpose is to provide the Spanish-speaking public with a wealth of beauty and reflections on love, death and hope, for as long as love exists, the promise of life will be renewed, and while hope exists, illusion will be kept alive. These are the greatest gifts that humanity has and Classic Poems for young people pay tribute once again.

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Antonio de Nebrija und die Gramática de la Lengua Castellana

Libro Antonio de Nebrija und die Gramática de la Lengua Castellana

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Romanistik - Spanische Sprache, Literatur, Landeskunde, Note: 1,3, Universität Potsdam (Romanistik), Veranstaltung: Geschichte der Normierung der romanischen Sprachen, 17 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im ereignisreichen Jahr 1492 wird in Spanien die erste Grammatik der kastilischen Volkssprache veröffentlicht. Während Kolumbus sich auf den Weg macht, fremde Länder zu entdecken, beginnt Elio Antonio de Nebrija die nun, nach dem Ende der Reconquista, vorherrschende Sprache auf der iberischen Halbinsel zu...

Cien Palabras Pequeno Diccionario de Autoridades

Libro Cien Palabras Pequeno Diccionario de Autoridades

"Te ofrezco cien palabras para que las hagas tuyas, para que las uses, les des alas, y así puedan volar. Pero como no quería dártelas secas, con su solo sonido y con la etiqueta de su contenido al lado, he puesto junto a cada una de ellas un fragmento de un texto en donde aparecen, donde las usa un escritor. Así las entenderás mejor, verás los matices de sus alas, y te dará cuenta de que no están muertas, solo dormidas en las páginas de los libros. Te están esperando a ti, a que las aprendas y les des otras compañeras."--

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