Ruth Montes

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Arte y cultura: Historias de las constelaciones: Figuras: Read-along ebook

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Libro Arte y cultura: Historias de las constelaciones: Figuras: Read-along ebook

Bacteria have a slimy reputation. They're too small to see with the human eye, so it's easy to let them slip past unnoticed. But, bacteria are part of our daily lives. In fact, they affect everything from milk to our moods. Get ready to zoom in on the hidden world of bacteria and explore the many ways that bacteria are being used in the modern world. This nonfiction reader seamlessly integrates the teaching of math and reading, and uses real-world examples to teach multiplication of mixed numbers. Text features include images, a glossary, an index, captions, and a table of contents to build students' vocabulary and reading comprehension skills as they interact with the text. The rigorous practice problems, math charts and diagrams, and sidebars extend learning and provide multiple opportunities for students to practice what they have learned. The Math Talk section provides an in-depth problem-solving experience.

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Número de páginas 32



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