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Libros de George Orwell (3 libros)

Biblioteca esencial George Orwell (1984 | Rebelión en la granja | Homenaje a Cataluña | Opresión y resistencia)

Libro Biblioteca esencial George Orwell (1984 | Rebelión en la granja | Homenaje a Cataluña | Opresión y resistencia)

Un fabuloso estuche con los escritos esenciales de George Orwell: 1984, Rebelión en la granja, Homenaje a Cataluña y los ensayos contra el totalitarismo reunidos en Opresión y resistencia. George Orwell cultivó con igual maestría la novela, el reportaje y el periodismo político. Junto con sus dos obras maestras de narrativa, 1984 y Rebelión en la granja, el presente estuche contiene los textos ensayísticos en los que el autor fue forjando su lúcida visión del mundo. En Homenaje a Cataluña, Orwell identificó las derivas represivas que aquejaban a España. Y en los escritos reunidos ...

1984 - Orwell

Libro 1984 - Orwell

1984 or Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, is a dystopian novel by English novelist George Orwell. It was published on 8 June 1949. 1984 is one of George Orwell's most powerful politically charged novels, a beautifully crafted warning against the dangers of a totalitarian society, and one of the most famous novels in the dystopian genre. Winston Smith is a low-ranking member of the ruling party in London whose every move is monitored by telescreens. Everywhere Winston goes, the party's omniscient leader, Big Brother, watches him. This is an important novel not only for its stark warning against...

The Essential Works of George Orwell

Libro The Essential Works of George Orwell

DigiCat presents the George Orwell Collection -the greatest novels, poems, essays and autobiographical works of this great visionary in one volume: Novels: Burmese Days A Clergyman's Daughter Keep the Aspidistra Flying Coming Up for Air Animal Farm 1984 Poetry: Awake! Young Men of England Kitchener Our Hearts Are Married, But We Are Too Young The Pagan Poem from Burma The Lesser Evil Romance Summer-like for an Instant The Italian Soldier Shook My Hand... Reflections on War and Society: Spilling the Spanish Beans Not Counting Niggers Prophecies of Fascism Wells, Hitler and the World State...