Ruth Montes

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Libros de Aurelio De Los Reyes (2 libros)

El nacimiento de Que viva México!

Libro El nacimiento de Que viva México!

This work contains fresh information located at the Sergei Eisenstein Museum and in his personal archive, both located in Moscow, which clearly indicates that there is still more to say about the Soviet director's unfinished movie, financed by Upton Sinclair. The discovery of the first version of the screenplay as well as books on Mexico and bullfight programs enables the manner in which the film developed and was structured through short stories to be reconsidered.

La enseñanza del arte en México

Libro La enseñanza del arte en México

Presents essays that analyze the art teachings in Mexico City from the 18th to 20th century, particularly in 4 prestigious institutions: the Academia de San Carlos, the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria (now the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildelfonso), the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes and the Secretaría de Educación Pública. The outcome is the present anthological volume.